Friday, January 16, 2015

Five on Friday

1. Zach will head out to pick up Sydney for the weekend. Zachary excitedly came into my room this morning, saying "All my sleeps are over until I get to see Sydney. She's coming today!!"

2. I've got to call the doctor this morning. Nora has a bad cough and has been running a high fever. Eli through up twice yesterday. We're not sure why. I am SO ready for sick season to be OVER.

3. My children have felt extra creative this week. I found the boys upstairs making "snow." They used a combination of salt, bubbles and soap.

The next morning, I couldn't find my packaging tape. I left it sitting out on my coffee table the night before to package some orders in the morning. I looked EVERYWHERE. I later found it that night.
 4. Zachary is really into games right now. McDonald's had these little games in their happy meals this past week. That equaled a very happy camper.
 5. I was trying to take a panorama picture of my room this week. At some point, Eli jumped in the picture. When the picture came out, his legs were gone. The picture scared him to death. He probably looked at it 1000 times, told everyone he saw that his legs fell off, and had a bad dream about it later.

 **I know I'm out of numbers, but I wanted to throw in this sweet shot of my baby girl who is in a batman phase right now.

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