Thursday, June 19, 2008

Love & Respect

I'm having one of those times in my life where my brain is working on overload... but I love it. Right now, our small group is in the process of going through the Love and Respect Series by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. The basic idea is that men need respect in the same way that women need love. I've spent quite a bit of time sorting through his theory, trying to figure out if this applies to Zach and me. I've come to the conclusion that there is some truth to it, as there is truth to most theories. However, I still believe it is hard to put a global theory on all relationships. With that being said, I LOVE what God is allowing to happen in our small group through this session. The openness and honesty that is happening out of a desire for each of us to reflect God's love is powerful. I'm so blessed to be able to share life with this amazing group of people.

In addition to that, I'm in the midst of studying the book, "Jesus For President" (I think I mentioned this earlier) with a group of extremely intelligent and thought-provoking people. Within the past week, the group has addressed and debated some serious and exhausting issues (which I will blog more about later if I can sort through them myself). What a blessing to be surrounded by people who desire to wrestle with uncomfortable things in an attempt to truly live out God's will. I'm excited to see what happens next.

I was talking to my friend, Katie, today... telling her that I feel exhausted all the time because I have all these thoughts and ideas running through my head that I can't seem to get a good grasp on. I feel like God is really working on me, but I just can't put the pieces together. But, the hard part about that is that I'm not sure I'm ever supposed to get it. I feel like God is teaching me through the 'wrestling.' That's so frustrating. So, yes- I'm so tired, but it's the most incredible feeling of exhaustion I've had in a long time and I really hope it doesn't end soon.

Back to my small group: For the next two months, my friend, J.R., has the privilege of house-sitting an incredibly spacious and beautiful home in Germantown. Last night, he invited us over for our weekly small group gathering. We were sitting there talking when someone noticed a little bunny hopping around outside. I'm not sure why- but I think rabbits are some of the sweetest creatures alive. I went outside to try to get some picts, but the little guy wasn't being too cooperative. On a side note- the family that lives in the home also had some beautiful flowers out front, so I grabbed some pictures of those as well.


Fred and Renee said...

Cute bunny!!

Joanna said...

great post, liz. i wish i could articulate my feelings like you do... i definitely feel the same way...and wrestling through uncomfortable things is strangely comforting in a way...knowing that God is stirring and's a rich feeling.

laurie said...

I LOVE that you are taking courage to "wrestle". I totally understand being exhausted by it too. And, thus far, I have found few 'answers' either. Wrestling with God IS the point. That is, in fact, the story of almost every character in the Bible. It's frustrating/exhausting and the most redemptive, healing process. Most of us give up once it gets hard and come up with REALLY good excuses. I'm glad you're not making excuses right now. You are, in fact, choosing to LIVE and not be numb - even though it's not the easy path. I LOVE IT! I also wish I could be closer to you as you're going through this process!


beulah shackelford said...

Very Sweet. Looking forward to seeing u at Joyland Sat.
i lv u grandma